No law says you must take insurance policies in any particular month. However, after the end-of-year and Valentine’s expenses, some people might need a couple of months to recoup. This makes this period of the year a perfect time to take up or renew insurance policies that would protect you and your family from future financial emergencies.

Making plans for the future is probably a cliché by now, as most of us already have a long list of needs and desires  – from personal wishes to business plans and family needs – all of which we may feel pressured to satisfy.

For those who run businesses, there are probably targets and goals to be achieved before the end of the year, which may seem very pressing. But what happens when the unexpected strikes?

Business Insurance

Statistics show that major fire incidents are caused by minor oversights like wrongly powered appliances, overheated gadgets, misplaced lighting devices, power surges, etc. These accidents are often unplanned, except in malicious cases, and could often lead to a huge loss of assets and properties, if a company is affected. This is why you need to get a comprehensive plan such as the Leadway Business Owner Support Scheme (LBOSS) now.


LBOSS is a comprehensive cover for SMEs and their assets from unexpected losses, not excluding its employees. With a plan like LBOSS, you can rest assured that your financial year is covered in the event of any future loss that could arise from fire outbreaks, theft, strikes, riots, and other forms of malicious attacks. 

It also provides the employees with a group life insurance policy, where the family of a missing, permanently disabled, or dead employee is offered compensation for their loss. LBOSS is the best insurance policy for entrepreneurs, and this period of the year is just right to set it rolling.

Insurance for Future Financial Target

Family is everything, and making family-centered plans isn’t out of place. The only issue with making such plans is that they are not often effectively kept, especially when they involve financial commitments like saving towards a housing project or your children’s future. 

Well, as you already know, we have a plan that would help you with these, and the good thing about these plans is that they are centered on you achieving your goals for your family.

Leadway Target Plan

For example, the Leadway Target plan is your best choice for a housing project. It is a strict plan that forces you to save a certain amount within a period. By force, we mean that there are penalties for defaulting on your payment. Be assured that you will hit your target at the end of the policy term. About this plan, we believe that this period of the year allows you to get started on a relaxed note.

Education Plans

When saving for your child’s education, you can choose from our interesting varieties. For a more flexible plan, go for the Education Savings Plan with a minimum of N10,000 monthly. The Education Target Plan, similar to the Leadway Target plan, ensures you hit your target without defaulting. This plan is perfect for that Harvard dream you have for your kids. All you need to do is start saving now.

Savings Plans

What about your personal goals? Are you still not so sure of how to go about them? One sure way to start is to start saving towards it. Saving helps you stay a step ahead of your plans. It gives you an edge. Have you heard about our Personal Savings Plan or the Leadway Savings Plan? These plans offer you the opportunity to save towards your personal goals or can serve as some money you could fall back on on the “rainy day”. Again, having gone this far in the year now is a perfect time to start.

Stop procrastinating and take control of your financial wellbeing- now is the time to plan and act. We are always available to guide you on your financial journey 

To find out more about our insurance plans and services, you can call us on 01-2800-70 or send an email to for professional advice. You can also request a callback here.