Do you want a direct debit on your bank account?

You can setup up direct debit to ensure your premiums are automatically paid when due and debited from your specified bank, based on your instructions. Setting up direct debit, however, requires an initial premium payment to be made using your ATM card or Bank transfer. Your policy number, a few other details, and a valid debit card are required to successfully set up direct debit on our website.

Please note that if you currently have a direct debit instruction in place and would like to switch accounts or cancel the instruction, please send an email to   before proceeding with the steps below.

Ready to get started?

Follow these 12 simple steps below to activate direct debit:

  1. Click on “Setup Direct Debit”.
  2. Enter your policy number (E.g LSP10000000)
  3. Enter your email address.
  4. Select your Bank i.e. the bank you want to set direct debit on.
  5. Input your account number for the bank selected above. 
  6. The account name is automatically displayed in the account name field. 
  7. Input your home address.
  8. Select the state where you live. 
  9. Select the city where you live. 
  10. Click on ‘Proceed’. 
  11. Wait for the Paystack page to pop up and then ‘Make Payment’ for authorization. 
  12. Follow the instructions and conclude the transaction.

The payment will be posted into your policy and the direct debit instruction becomes active for the policy tenor (the agreed duration of your policy).

For those that select the ‘Monthly’ frequency, the debits will be carried out on the specific start date you selected every month e.g. if you selected the 5th of December, your next debit will be on the 5th of the next month and carry on like that till the selected end date. If you choose the ‘Quarterly frequency, your debit will be done exactly four months from the Start date and carry on like that every quarter (four months); for the ‘Semi-annual frequency’, your debit will be done every 6 months from your ‘Start date’; while for those that choose the ‘Annual frequency’, the debit will be done on the same date as your ‘Start date’ year on year.

If you require any assistance while setting up a recurrent payment on your policy or have any complaints, please send an email to or

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